Extra-Curricular Programme
At Raha International School, we view the Extra-curricular Programme (ECP) as an essential component of the overall educational experience. We acknowledge that some of the most cherished memories are created during activities held outside regular school hours.
Our aim is to offer students opportunities to engage in new activities and cultivate a broad array of interests that extend beyond their academic pursuits.
The ECP is open to all students ranging from Early Years 1 through to Grade 12.
- Early Years 1 – ECPs are scheduled from 1:00pm to 1:45pm
- Early Years 2 – ECPs take place from 2:00pm to 2:45pm
- Grades 1 to 12 – ECPs run from 3:00pm to 4:00pm/4:40pm

Previous activities offered at Raha
- Basketball
- Football
- Rugby
- Badminton
- Tennis
- Netball
- Swimming
- Hockey
- Cricket
- Volleyball
- Fitness/Yoga/Zumba
- Arabic Calligraphy
- Indigenous Art
- Cross-stitch
- Language, Mother Tongue and Culture
- Clubs
- Japanese Club
- Raha Primary & Secondary Choirs
- Raha Contemporary Choir
- Raha Primary & Secondary Dance
- Ensembles
- Sketch Club
- Comic Creators
- Raha Concert Band
- EY Dance, Play and Sing!
- Improv Club
- EY, Primary & Secondary musical/drama productions
- Chess
- Arts and Craft Club
- Computer Club
- Robotics
- Freedom Writers
- Educational/Strategic Games
- Yearbook Club
- Homework Club
- Science/Math Club